Therapeutic Massage II

How long will it take to feel better?

This is an often asked question that is not always easy to answer because it is contingent on so many different factors. Firstly younger bodies usually heal faster than older bodies because cell growth and repair happens faster in the young. Secondly the severity and duration of your muscle or joint problem must be taken into account, a muscle that has been repeatedly injured has more internal scarring than a new mild to moderate problem.

During the initial acute phase of treatment you may need to get more than one treatment a week and then as your condition improves your visits will need to be less frequent. The issue of consistency does not just apply to to massage therapists,- acupuncturists, osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists can all achieve better results with regular visits.

It is very easy to forget what it is like to feel “normal”, it is an easy trap to fall into thinking all your aches and pains are the unavoidable consequence of getting older. Obviously a 20 year old  will almost always be fitter and more lithe than a 60 year old, if you have a negative set of expectations about ageing you might think it just is not worth the effort of not even trying massage or maybe you just give up after only one or two treatments.

The next time you see a person with grey hair and wrinkles on their face but they still are fit, agile and upright you are probably looking at someone who did not give up on themselves too soon. Good genetics help but regular attention to body maintenance and exercise usually counts more. Regular effort helps you more than luck alone.

Some therapists are more proactive about showing you preventative and rehabilitative exercises than others. You can get better and faster results through learning  how to help yourself. I have been showing my clients easy and effective ways that they can massage their bodies as well as showing them exercises for a few years now. The clients who follow these instructions require fewer treatments and save themselves money.

Another strategy you might try is to do a massage course and swap massage treatments with your fellow students, it is a nice thing to share with your friends and can encourage you to see more of them.

Some health insurers don’t give you much cover for massage therapy, you may need to shop around and ask them questions about what they are prepared to offer you.

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