
Many of us have sit down jobs, we sit on the bus or train to get that job and  then we spend more time relaxing and eating in the seated position so it is worth sitting right. One of the main problems with sitting is that our chairs are rarely designed well and when they are they are not always used properly.

Whatever you sit upon your weight should be evenly distributed on both buttocks, try it now (back pockets empty when you do this)… do you feel a bit lop sided when you adjust yourself so there is an even sensation of pressure beneath your buttocks? Usually there will be which serves to alert us just how used to being slightly (or moderately) lop sided we are.

The first step to correcting this is to remove objects such as wallets from back pockets and to avoid crossing your legs. Next take a deep breath and notice how you have straightened your back to do this, shoulders back and down, chin in and head directly above body rather than forward of it.

If you are not fortunate enough to be on a saddle or a knee chair use the chair tilt to slope down at the front. The rationale for this is it is easier to maintain a straight back when the angle between your body and thighs is closer to 135 degrees rather than the 90-100 degree angle that chairs tend to be. Think about how straight, dignified and well balanced equestrian riders look, duplicating that kind of posture is good for your back and you will last longer comfortably seated when you get used to sitting like that

Sitting cross legged on the floor is a good sitting exercise too, it quickly alerts us about leg and hip stiffness. It is easy to avoid sitting on the floor because we have so many chairs, unfortunately sitting on chairs can make us lazy about the way we use our hip, back and leg muscles. Even if you have no practical reason why you should sit on the floor the inability to do so should be taken as an early warning that you really need to do more stretching exercise.

When driving your bottom should be as far back into the car seat as it can go, if  the accelerator and break pedals appear too far away move your seat forward, do not slide your backside forward to reach them because it is bad posture and will cause you lower back problems. Men tend to be worse offenders at doing this than women.

When you sit on a lounge place that scatter cushion in the small of your back don’t let yourself sag in the middle.The way we treat our spines when we are young determines their shape later on, it looks lazy and graceless to slump like a sack of spuds, it is also bad for you spinal discs.

In 1955 Dr Keegan of the US and in 1962 Dr Schoberth of Germany (both orthopaedic surgeons) conducted independent research into the causes of lower spinal degeneration. Based on their patients case histories and Xrays it was the opinion of both men that sitting for long periods is bad for your back. Both men also advocated sitting on chairs that allow a 135 degree angle between thigh and torso. No one else can take as good care of your back as you can.    

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