
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) summer is believed to have particular affects on our health. The heart for instance is said to have an affinity with summer, many people with weak hearts  find summer heat a burden and even distressing. Many good exercise routines go by the way-side during the summer heat and vacationing often means more booze, rich food and disruptions to healthy routines. By the time we return to our normal lives again going back to the gym can feel like we are starting all over from scratch.

Headache sufferers often find summer a bit of a trial, particularly with migraines, in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) migraines are seen as a problem of internal rising heat that can be triggered by an increase in external heat. ‘Warming’ food and drinks like alcohol, coffee, chocolate and chilli are associated with more frequent headaches in TCM.

In TCM summer has an affinity with accidents like drowning. People tend to travel more for pleasure (sometimes under the influence), doing physical things like camping and playing sport  are more likely to lead to wild life encounters- all of these things help increase the chances of you visiting the emergency department of the local hospital.

Hot weather can interfere with your normal sleep, sap you of energy and make you less productive as a result. Some psoriasis sufferers find their skin is worse. Summer heat also causes “rushes of blood to the head”, 

There was a health study conducted many years ago that showed people were at their most belligerent in a room temperature of 92 degrees Fahrenheit (about 35 degrees Celsius). Is it any wonder that some go a little crazy at this time of year.

Fortunately there are simple things we can do that will mitigate summer health hazards like drinking more water and avoiding full sun exposure. Many of us drive longer distances on roads we are unfamiliar with at this time of year so some realistic planning of how long our trips are can help you avoid accidents due to driver fatigue.

The body metabolises drugs and alcohol differently day and night particularly in summer. Uppers like speed, methyl ice and ecstacy have a stronger affect on you during hot days partly because a more rapid pulse further heats your body. This includes alcohol, so drinking some water between alcohol drinks can help you avoid dehydration. Alcohol suppresses anti diuretic hormone which stops you from peeing too much so you need extra water.

It’s not all negative though, stretching exercise is usually much easier and more enjoyable to perform in warmer weather, so is hiking and swimming. Wearing your bathing suit can help motivate you to cut down to a healthier body weight. Camping out in a tent can help leg strength and flexibility because you are getting up and down off the ground more than you otherwise might at other times of the year. Osteoarthritis symptoms tend to be less severe in the summer too.

Please avoid running at the hottest part of the day, muscle melt down can kill you.

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